Water hyacinth (Scientific name: Eíchornia crassipes; Local name: Meteka) is considered as the most productive plant on earth, as it yields more than 200 tons of dry matter per hectare per year under normal conditions. For a long time, the aquatic plant was considered only as a waste and was either cleared up or left unused. The raw material is geared up by sun-drying its stems. They are sun-dried for seven to eight days and then compressed to arrange them for weaving. They are also coloured as per need. For a lustrous look, the producis, are polished with melamine. Finally, they are smoked to protect them from insects, and fungus.
For non framed yields like bags, the stems are braided and stitched up to give the preferred shapes. For framed products like furniture, bamboo, and cane frames are used. These are then even woven in looms to make products like yoga mats. need for water Hyacinth Craft.
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